It is notified to all concern that as per order of ACS to the Govt of WB , Nabanna , Howrah, vide no 715-Home (cons)/RIM(cons)-92/2021 dated 17/04/21 and direction of President , CHM WB the Council will function with 50percent attendance of staffs according to following roster on a rotational basis w.e.f 19/04/21 upto 30/04/21.
All staffs in office will ensure wearing of face masks and adequate physical distancing among them and other visitors attending the office.
Registrar , CHM WB 18/04/21
Monday- RC, Ganga, NRK , AB , S.Das , R Das
Tuesday-D mal, AB, R.das , Govinda , D Maity.
Wednesday-- RC, S Das NRK ,,AB ,Ganga , d Maity.
Thursday---D mal , NRK, R Das,Govinda , D Maity.
Friday --- RC, D Mal , S Das, Ganga , Govinda,
It is notified to all concerned that , as per order of President, CHM WB, the Council will open on Friday, Saturday the 23rd & 24th October 2020 for new Doctor Registration certificate and there after cancellation. This special measure has taken for the interest of public service. So the staffs related to the works of Registration and cancellation are requested to attend on the days. They will be compensated as per the rules of Council.
Sd /-Dr Sudip Kumar Ghosh Registrar , CHM WB 21/10/2020
It is notified to all concerned that as per direction of President the CHM, WB will remain closed from 02/9/2020 to 04/9/2020 on account of our one staff Smt Rama Das LDC is Covid19 antigen test positive on 28/08/2020. This measure has been taken for office Sanitization and prevent the transmission of Covid19 to staff and visitors. It is requested to the staffs who are contacted with her to done Covid19 test in nearest Govt hospital for screening.
Sd/- Dr Sudip Kumar Ghosh Registrar CHM WB, 31/08/2020
It is to be noted that as per order of Govt of WB ( Vide No -43-Pr.Secy /PAR/2020 dt 02/06/2020 of Principal Secy , Govt of WB , Nabanna ) the council of Homoeopathic Medicine WB will function with 70 percent attendance of staffs w.e.f.08/06/2020. It is hereby directed to attend office at least three days in a week following the attached roster .
All employees are requested to attend office taking the precautionary measures against COVID19 pandemic like
1.wearing face mask
2.maintaining at least three feet physical distancing
3.Repeated hand sanitization.
Copy forwarded for information to
Sd/- Registrar , CHM WB Dated. 03/06/2020
Roster of Staffs..
It is notified to all concerned that as per order of Principal Secy , Health and FW , Govt of WB (vide no HAD/12M-36-2020 dated 20/03/2020) all types of leave of all categories of staff under Health and FW dept has been cancelled for Covid19 pandemic . As per Regulation 1970, section 38 (3)(6) of CHM WB and direction of President , CHM WB dated 23/05/2020 the order of the State Government issued time to time is admissible to the staff of council.
Many vital works of council is standstill during last 2.5 months and Council losing revenue receipt daily which enriched our economy .
In this situation I request all the staff to join and perform their normal function of Council taking precautionary measures against COVID19 on Monday , June 1st 2020 .
Copy forwarded to 1.President , CHM WB 2. Cashier in charge and office look after . She is requested inform it to all staff . 3. Council website.
Sd/- Registrar , Council of homoeopathic medicine WB dated 29/05/2020Council of Homoeopathic Medicine ©2015. Privacy Policy
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